Educational Development
Educational Development programs are enhanced, by integrating African-American history and service learning experiences that emphasize disaster preparedness.
Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy – A National program initiative designed to enrich and enhance the education of young females ages 11-14. The primary goals are to bring about positive self-images, promote academic excellence, and instill community service obligations in a collective effort to prepare young girls for full participation as leaders in the 21st Century.
Specifically, we augment their scholarship with Science and Everyday Experiences (SEE) activities focused on math, science, and technology. Activities are incorporated in Delta Academy programming include, but are not limited to computer training, self-esteem and etiquette workshops, field trips for science experiences and special outings to cultural events.
The Delta GEMS was created to catch the dreams of African American at-risk, adolescent girls aged 14-18. Delta GEMS provides the framework to actualize those dreams through the performance of specific tasks that develop a CAN DO attitude. The goals for Delta GEMS are:
To instill the need to excel academically;
To provide tools that enable girls to sharpen and enhance their skills to achieve high levels of academic success;
To assist girls in proper goal setting and planning for their futures high school and beyond; and
To create compassionate, caring, and community minded young women by actively involving them in service learning and community service opportunities.
EMBODI is designed to refocus Delta’s efforts to collaborate with other established organizations and agencies to address the plight of African American males. The EMBODI program provides a continuum of services and addresses the specific needs of African-American males.
The goals of EMBODI are:
To expand the horizons of young African American males by cultivating a personal vision for their lives;
To provide tools for young African American males to attain a higher quality of life;
To provide young African American males with an awareness of various college and career options to make rewarding life choices and decisions; and
To create community-minded young African American males by actively involving them in service learning and community service opportunities.
The Program serves as a motivational tool for African American teenage males (ages 13-17) with the ultimate goal of increasing their knowledge and awareness of issues affecting young men today.